Monday, March 1, 2010

The new things

There are alot of new things in my life. Starting with moving from the place I grew up to start over. It was hard let me tell you. When you live in one place all your life, everything is familar, everyone knows you, and you can pretty much determine what the next day is going to be like before it gets here. It was pretty predictable. I however, being the most antsy person in my family, needed a change. I was divorced for the second time, and the second husband wasnt any nicer than the first. So it was time to move on. Time to broaden my horizons. So I packed the girls and I up and moved to a town in Tennessee. A town where I knew no one, where I had to depend on myself and not someone else to help me. I dont have my mom here to babysit when I need it, I do not have my sister in law getting one of the girls every other night, IT was all me. And Lord knows it has been hard. But I am making it. I have done alot of growing up, and alot of figuring out my life. I have realized that I am stronger than I thought. The other new thing in my life is I am a step mother. I have never had to deal with something like this before. My step son likes me....I think, but his mother absolutely positively hates me and everything that I am and everything that I am about. She tells him to be mean to me, to be bad for me and his father, and I do not know how to deal. The old Jami would have beat her butt and moved on, but I have changed and I want to do it but I know it will only hurt my step son if I did. I have no earthly clue what I am doing or how to fix it. I think I am going to use this blog to vent, and to tell about my new life.

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